My Biography:

I was born at 1 February 1970 at place Yozgat in state of Akdağmadeni in the village of Çardak At year 1974 moved to Ankara. At year 1977 my education is started at Ulubatli hasan IlkOkulu. At year 1982 I finished primary school. At year 1985 I finished secondary school. at the year 1988 I finished school that I start by examine named Balgat Endüstri Meslek Lisesi department of Electronic.I got my first programming experiences here.But my first meet with computer is at secondary school at My primary school friends home. That was a Commodore-64. There was a program scrolling text program needed to modification.I modified it. When I do this i have no idea about computers, basic. But i did it. At 1988 I meet the PC's then start basic language. At 1989 I've learned Amstrad CP6128's basic. Then at 1991 I have started learning Aos/vs Data general MV 10000 series main frame. I learned its basic language. Its too complicated with respect to other basic languages. It has matrix operations build in basic language. Then I do what can I do on this basic language. Then Upgraded to Quick Basic 4.5. It is not so complicated. And unlimited. I did some programs. Create some utilities. Then jump one level. Started 7.1 PDS. When I got my 486 computer then started VB 3.0 but i can't start at this point. it comes so diffucult and complicated. Afterwards I got VBDOS 1.0 started coding on vbdos. Then it was become easy to use VB 3.0 for win. Then I started access and SQL. Watcom SQL server is my first real relational database server. meanwhile started coding with INFORMIX 7.12 OLDS. VB 3.0 and Informix 7.12 it was our development platform on Turkish military Stock Control. It was finished at 1997 march. Then another project. Personal attendence and security control program.


The standing man is me. The others sitting man is Fikret Nadi ÇELIK. We work together. While testing my code.






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